Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Headpiece
Heroic Blood Queen's Crimson Choker
Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders
Heroic Cloak of Burning Dusk
Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic
Heroic Bracers of Fiery Night
Heroic Fallen Lord's Handguards
Surrogate Belt/Waistguard of Righteous Fury
Heroic Sanctified Lightsworn Greaves
Heroic Foreshadow Steps / Heroic Boots of the Funeral March
Ashen Band of Endless Wisdom
Heroic Ring of Rapid Ascent
Heroic Glowing Twilight Scale
Heroic Althor's Abacus / Heroic Solace of the Fallen
Heroic Royal Scepter of Terenas II / Heroic Bloodsurge, Kel'Thuzad's Blade of Agony
Heroic Bulwark of Smoldering Steel
Libram of Blinding Light
I stole my layout from Jin, some of my pieces are interchangeable but in those cases I listed them both